Continues from the last month… Instead Of Establishing Him Falsely, Praise Him In the following, the Guru keeps unfolding the identity of the Creator while advising the seeker not to waste time on man-made imaginary concepts about Him. It is His praise that helps in pursuing Him: Pauri/Stanza–5 ਥਾਪਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਇ ਕੀਤਾ ਨ ਹੋਇ ॥ …
JAPJI, The Intellective Directions To The Ultimate Freedom
Continues from the last month… After describing a short play about how people get everything and how the Creator gives them, the Guru states that the Creator has no concern about giving or the claims made by His subjects, because He is above human mentality. Also the Guru expresses how different people remember the Creator, …
JAPJI, The Intellective Directions To The Ultimate Freedom
(Continues from the last month) ॥ ਜਪੁ ॥ Jap. The literal meaning of ਜਪੁ is to recite or to reflect, but it is also the name of the bani, because Fifth Nanak has given a number “one” at the end of this bani to state that this is a complete composition. The slok …
JAPJI, The Intellective Directions To The Ultimate Freedom
Regardless the status we enjoy, one thing is very clear that whatever we advocate today openly, we may find it incorrect as we learn later on about it further in depth. Such dilemma might have happened to those, who harbor open mind to new searches and experiments. In Sikh circles, I have noticed that many …
A Window Opportunity Of Seeing Our Creator Within
Sri Guru Nanak Ji makes our meeting with the Creator very easy, but we need to follow the Guru very seriously. For that, we must take a very important step, and according to the Guru, it is to get rid our duality. The duality is considering ourselves’ existence separate from the Creator; in other words, …