Praying has been a great support for a believer for centuries; in the materialistic world, praying remains limited to materialistic things or individual comforts; however, in the realm of liberation, the prayer for materialistic purpose loses its luster. In the state of liberation, one’s prayer remains focused on the Creator, and also one’s wishful thinking …
Walking With The Guru
I feel the stanzas 35 and 36 of Japji address the way out to explore the actual spiritual goal, and it should be an ultimate goal of every Gursikh. Please also read another related stanza of Japji given below to grasp the depth of the spiritual approach the Guru asks his followers to embrace. These …
Enlightening Slok Of First Nanak
Sri Guru Granth Sahib echoes around the inexpressible love of the Creator’s lovers; instead of learning how to get absorbed in that echo, sometimes we get enveloped in very small pursuits. For example, many of my Sikh brothers and sisters are stuck with one name of our Creator and question the names other people give …
A Sikh’s Path Ends At The Guru’s Door
Sikhi is not to condemn other religions; instead it stresses that only through the Guru’s shown path can be helpful in attaining the ever-lasting bliss. It is through this path that the Sikhs become free from tightly knitted net of rituals and uncalled for offerings in the name of this one or that …
Procuring The Epitome Of Spirituality Through Self-analysis
It is necessary to work very sincerely to achieve any goal, and to be sincere, we must do our self-analysis: we should weigh our intentions and realize what flaws we have that can drag us away from our set up goal. In spiritual realms, to become one with the Creator, we must filter our all …