A Visit To The Guru

I want to share with my Sikh brothers and sisters a Sloka of Third Nanak through which I feel guided toward the path of Prabh in a nut shell. The language the Guru uses is simple and attractive. I get glued to his every idea in this sloka to explore Gurmat.  Let us first read …

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Understanding All Around Us From Guru Nanak

Through many channels, today’s Sikhs are offered polished tastes of scriptures of many other religions just to fish them to convert; the care takers of the Guru Bank have been looting it for a while; therefore, drums of such new kind of missionaries are sounding louder and louder day by day. Today, in the age …

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The Experience Beyond Science Or Rationality

As I read Guru Nanak, I do not believe that what he has given to his Sikhs is about science and its discoveries in context of the Creator; finding science from religious scriptures is a common fallacy; the science is an open field of conquering possibilities, but it is not complete in its mission, and …

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Our Failure In Experiencing The Creator And The Guru Guidance

My Sikh brothers and sisters read Gurbani every day; they are devoted to Gurbani, but I haven’t met yet anyone who can make me realize Prabh’s presence anywhere else as Sri Guru Granth Sahib does. It is interesting that we all are interested to have an experience of being with the Creator, but we fail. …

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The Lost Freedom

We, Sikhs, were guided by Guru Nanak to remain free of any bonds created by worldly Maya or religions that reduce us to a primitive state of ignorance; the Guru literally awakened us from a long slumber in which we were engrossed in worshiping the sun, the rivers, the birds and the animals; the Guru …

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