How Prabh, The Creator Is Loved?

Most of us, who talk or write about Prabh’s Simran, fail to figure out how actually Prabh is loved. Go and search the internet, you will find definitions about Prabh and His Simran. I cannot tell better than what is already there on internet; however, I can share with you what I see through Gurbani. …

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Living For The Guru As A Sikh

Seeing what is being done on religious ceremonies of Sikh gatherings, I doubt if today’s’ Sikhi is different than the Hinduism’s ritual- drenched culture. Many rituals and rites are done at ceremonies such as Akhand path (continuous recitation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib) without caring what Guru says about such rites or rituals in Sri …

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Understanding ” Mool Mantra” ( A Prelude To Japji) Final   “ਸਤਿ” conveys many kinds of meanings like “true, charity, good deeds, all pervading reality and so on.”  It depends in what context it is used; here it is used with “Naam” obviously it is about Him; Akalpurakh is addressed in Gurbani by Naam  or Naon also; therefore, its meaning has more depth here, …

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Understanding “Mool Mantra” , A Prelude To Jap Ji

If we, the Sikhs, don’t understand Mool Mantra (A prelude To Jap Ji), we know nothing about Sikhi; without understanding the concept of the Creator in “Mool Mantra”, we simply build our mansion of knowledge on stories told over times by those who were more interested in pursuit of their own quest than understanding fully …

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The Guru’s Call: Coming Out Of Deceptive Concepts

Last year, I visited Punjab, India; what I saw was mind boggling in context of a Sikh way of life. I am not against any faith but what is not acceptable to me is to claim to be Sikhs while also practicing stone idol honoring as a Sikh. Sikhi rejects worshiping of stones or men …

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