Dealing With The World While Remaining Connected To The Creator

We, Sikhs, are very proud of our Gurus; they have led the Sikhs through horrible times; when the sense of treating all humans equally was strangled openly, the Gurus were actually promoting it; they took the greatest risk of confronting the people in power, and they ignored the norms set up centuries ago as a …

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A Story Of Pitiable Choices And The Guru Advice

To experience the Creator, following the true Guru is mandatory. Following one’s own mind and harboring a wish of beholding the Creator is a folly in the spiritual realms. It is one’s responsibility to make a living by working hard sincerely. That alone is not enough to experience the Creator because to experience Him, it …

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Sidh Gost Part – 2 The Guru has made clear his vital idea about the necessity of a Guru in a pursuit of materializing the union with the Creator, and he has defined the Guru as well: only he can be called a true Guru who has seen the Almighty within and who can also show his followers the …

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We should not take the beginning verses of the bani “Sidh gost” as a solute to those self claimed yogis who met the Guru because as the verses are unfolded, it becomes clear what Guru Ji wants to say. This bani doesn’t express how Guru Ji solutes to anyone as he encounters the assembly of …

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Sukhmani, Raag Gauri; Part 2

For reading part -1 As described in the elaboration of the Sloka of Fifth Nanak quoted above, the contemplating the Creator brings eternal peace to the mind and it remains absorbed in Him in utter love. It eventually becomes one with Him. Because of that, the feelings of pains, inclinations toward vices and fearing …

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