The Peak Of Sikhi

Meticulously Guru Nanak Dev has laid out a map for his followers to guide them to a peak where the Creator is truly realized. When He is realized, talks, discussions and debates lose their cluster to distract the mind. Such a state of mind is obtained only if one progresses carefully to that peak as …

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I Wish I Were Following The Guru Sincerely!

The realm of envisioning Akalpurakh is unique. It is more powerful than an experience of going into the space to look all around closely. Even that cannot be felt by sitting here and guessing about the space. Just as a law of gravity is understood when we drop a thing down, but its reality is …

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The Concept Of Reincarnation In Gurbani

First of all I must mention here that talking about the Creator bears no rationality, it is a personal belief and experience that doesn’t need verification from those who while following rationality turn hyper – rational. In Sikhi, the concept of incarnation and reincarnation exists, and I shall prove it in detail with the help …

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Pronunciation Of “ੴ ”

In an article [] Devinder Singh Chahal PhD, claims that ੴIkkankar/Ekkankar should be pronounced as “Ikk Oh Beant or Ikk Oh Anant,” and openly says that Bhai Gurdas misunderstood it like many other Sikh scholars. He also claims that Guru Nanak Dev doesn’t name the Creator as “Ikk Onkaar/Ekkankar”; obviously in a hurry, he has …

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Beloved Ikkankaar Of Gurus And Bhagatas

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s parents were Hindus and they tried to raise him as a Hindu; however, it was not destiny of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to accept prevailed convictions and rituals of any prevailed faith to please the Creator who was reduced to the level of human beings by different prevailed faiths and sects. …

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