There are three factors in Sikhi 1 Believing only in one Creator Following Guru by abandoning personal wisdom Staying close to His devotees. If any of these is not practiced truly, living Sikhi will remain just a talk or a claim. I must add if these factors are not made a way of life, we …
Concept Of Ekkankaar In Japji Sahib
If someone is only interested in playing with the words, I doubt, he or she will ever address in serious way the message Guru Nanak wants to convey in JapJi (through out Sri Guru Granth Sahib), Sri Guru Granth Sahib is not a story of enlightened ones or rules and laws of this faith to …
As His Door Opens
In Raag Sarang. Fifth Nanak shares with his followers a personal experience of seeing the Eternal Creator, Guru ji in the ending Guru Vaak makes it clear that if someone has experienced HIM, it has happened due to the help of a Guru that has secured the path towards Him. In Guru’s refuge, the big …