The Divine Awareness

 A few slok of Second Nanak on 954, SGGS, tell us that those who do not realize the importance of our universal Creator are blind metaphorically, because they fail to realize Him. They further say that the most important is to praise Him which sets one’s mind free from all worries and fears. The Guru …

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Second Nanak literally learned about Guru Nanak’s mission after living with him for a while; before that, he had been a devotee of a Hindu Devi; his writings clearly state that he, after becoming one with Guru Nanak, prefers the Universal Creator to the rest of all those who were worshipped in his or before …

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Life And His Naam

Second Nanak while expressing his views on the worldly affairs, guides his followers to get indulge in the Creator’s praise. All the slokas given below address almost the same ideas. They are on “SGGS 1238. First, he says that the Creator has set up this world in which people get involved seriously; however, they behave …

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Ignorance And The Divine Experience And The Divine Will

In the Gurbani, blind word is used to define the ignorant and inexperienced person. We listen often a talk about divine experience from those who actually don’t have it; consequently, we are misled about it. On 953 and 854, SGGS, Guru Angad Dev Ji, the second Nanak addresses this issue. Let us look at: ਮਃ …

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The Spring And Beyond

The spring season represents happiness through blooming, taking it as a symbol, Second Nanak tells the followers to keep the memory of the universal Creator in their minds to remain in a state of mind in which the mind stays calm in happiness. The following 2 slokas of the Guru explain this; these slokas are …

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