Before we pray to Akalpurakh,we must understand first, what is the purpose of life? Bhagat Nandev Ji knows the purpose of life and in this Shabada, he expresses the awareness of what is right to ask from Him, so he requests to have His blessings like Dru and Narad Bhagtas had from Him, and obviously …
Holding On To Guru And Him In Utter Sincerity
The following Guru Shabad is an accepted- prayer offered to Akalpurakh. It is a verification of the Grace of Waheguru bestowed on sincere devotees. Whoever mediates on eternal Creator, his/her prayers are heard if they are offered in sincerity. Any one who remains in duality may not get that result. It is not just a …
Awareness Of His Being Within – Pir Sang…
Isn’t it sad that HE is with us and we are not aware of that? By simply saying He is with us, is not actual awareness of His being with us because if that is real, why our minds are not stilled? The way we, most of us, live, treat others, make earning, give away …
A Reminder From Bhagat Kabir Ji
As Sikhs we seriously try to pay attention to Akalpurakh; however, intoxicating- Maya keeps us dragging away from Him. Bit by bit we lose precious time of our lives. Maya loots us all the time, very rarely we realize about this robbery that takes place within us. Youth is taken over by middle age as …
Like Me You Have Numerous Maids
The following Guru Shabad is about showing out the layers of the love for the Creator a soul harbors; it also inspires others to have love for the beloved Husband-Akalpurakh. If Guru Follower follows the expressed love- tide surging every moment in the heart, perception of the Beloved Husband-Almighty becomes crystal clear without any doubt, …