There are many people who define the bani according to their understanding, but bottom line is to express what the Guru wants from his followers. The following two slokas are about getting attached to the Creator truly. People have set up their own techniques to be with the Creator, but the most important point is …
What Company We Should Be In?
In the following slokas, the Guru points out the nature of the human beings and their inclinations towards those who are in alike profession. He uses symbols, which I shall elaborate to understand it further. These slokas are on SGGS 788 and 791 ਮਃ 2 ॥ ਤੁਰਦੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਰਦਾ ਮਿਲੈ ਉਡਤੇ ਕਉ ਉਡਤਾ ॥ ਜੀਵਤੇ …
Life Is Short, Don’t Forget The Creator
As we see every day, many people behave with others unethically and rudely if they would be here forever. This shows how conceited they are. In such a state of mind, getting connected to the Creator is impossible. Through a few slokas, the Guru guides his Sikhs to remember our death, which is positively due …
Respecting And Obeying Our Creator
On SGGS – 474, the following Slokas explain why we usually fail to get connected with the universal Creator. Basically, the Guru says that one who is deeply involved with other persons or things can never focus on the Creator. What happens, one’s involvement in others affects one negatively; consequently, one fails to get imbued …
The Divine light
The Sun is a symbol of light, so is the moon, taking these symbols in consideration, Second Nanak expresses how the light provided by the real Guru is important to negate the darkness of ignorance/misinformation fed by other clever people in the public. On 463, please ponder over his sloka: ਮਹਲਾ 2 ॥ ਜੇ ਸਉ …